
Bluetools helps to unleash the potential of companies through innovation in the management of qualitative strategy knowledge

Florian Wieser

Founder / Executive Director

José Pablo Valverde

Founder / Business Development

Urs Jäger

Founder / Analytics

Daniel Lüscher

Founder / Strategic Advisor

Michael Jäger

UX & Digital Marketing

Qualitative strategy knowledge

Expertise and roles we are a leaders in.

  1. Strategy & change

    We have a large experience in managing strategy and change in academic and practical environments

  2. Qualitative data analytics

    We are experts in the collecting, structuring and managing qualitative data for decision-making

  3. Decision-making processes

    We unifiy a large expertise in developing and managing strategic decision-making processes

  1. Digital tool development

    We have developed various tools and platforms to standardize processes

  2. Stakeholder engagement

    We have conducted and led many projects with a diverse and complex set of interest groups

  3. Collaborative processes

    We share experiences from different organizations and projects that are based on collaborative processes